What has this world come to?

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Its easter! Belly aches and tooth cavities! Eggs and bunnie rabbits! But most importantly, Gods B-Day! It is his birthday right? Or is that Christmas? I should know this, really. But whatever because its one of those two! But what I do know is that everyone makes a HUGE deal about going to church on Easter Sundays. Tell ou the truth I dont realy see why everyone does. In my point of view, you dont have to go to church to have god in your lie. Im realy not sure wat kind of religon I am. I believe in God, but i dont believe in MANY things in the Bible. But i dont worship the devil at all becaus i dont know if there realy is one or not. No one will realy know till you go there right? lots of these things dont make since at all to me. i grew up with a mom that didnt realy understand God either, not till recently anyways. So i never had anyone to explain this to me in my younger years. But i have recently been going to a youth group here in Mobile, its called Wildside! Its great, but im not sure if its what im looking for yet. But i do know that I need something bigger than myself in my life now.

Confused in the south,
Hanna Lovey Landon

1 comment:

  1. Hello Hanna! So glad you found my blog and decided to follow me...I'll follow you as well...For someone whose 13, you are a very intelligent young lady! Good for you to dream Big! By the way, Easter celebrates Jesus rising from the dead...Christmas is the celebration of his birth.
    Have a great day sweetheart!
